Its All About Guinea Pigs
Friday, October 3, 2014
Baldwin Guinea Pig
Baldwin Guinea Pig The Baldwin is a nearly hairless breed. Baldwins are born with a full coat, which sheds out with age until only a...
Skinny Guinea Pig
Skinny Guinea Pig The Skinny is a mostly hairless breed, with some short rough hair on the face and the feet. Pups are born nearly h...
Teddy Guinea Pig
Teddy Guinea Pig A Teddy has a short, rough, very dense and springy coat that stands up all over the body. The hair typically gr...
Rex Guinea Pig
Rex Guinea Pig A Rex has short, rough hair that stands on end all over the body. The hair should be of uniform length and texture al...
Abyssinian Guinea Pig
Abyssinian Guinea Pig The Abyssinian has a short, rough coat with anywhere from 6-8 tufts rosettes on its shoulders, sides, back, and ...
Sheba Guinea Pig
Sheba Guinea Pig The Sheba is a long haired, rosetted cavy, characterized by mutton chop whiskers, with frontal, presented to one side...
Lunkarya Guinea Pig
Lunkarya Guinea Pig The Lunkarya, sometimes Lunk for short, is a new breed group developed first in Sweden, and mainly seen in the Nor...
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