Thursday, October 2, 2014

Ridgeback Guinea Pig


Ridgeback is a very common breed with a smooth short coat, with a lengthwise ridge of standing hair on its back. The ridge should ideally be short, regular, straight and should look like a mountain top . It should go from the head to neck . Ridgeback cavies as well as non-ridged carriers of the genetic ridgeback factor both have so called tufty feet, with the hair on the hind feet growing "the wrong way", upwards on the leg. Ridgeback cavies sometimes have rosettes on the body, which is considered a fault.

The Ridgeback is a recognized breed in the UK and is show under the guidance of the Rare Varieties cavy club and is also recognized as a Rare Variety in Sweden.

1 comment:

  1. I have a newborn ridge back...sooo happy came from daddy and mommy abbys i think
